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Playing around with special blog prompts


For busy bloggers, the name of the game is coming up with fresh topics to blog about. Sometimes it’s tricky.

 Try these blog prompts, and examine the accompanying artwork. See what you come up with.


tic (or tick)


toe (or tow)



ART – A Game of Tric Trac, by Judith Leyster, 1630


Now it’s your turn. Create your own blog post (on your own site). Then slip on back to the Meme Express to put up a comment with a link to your post, so our readers can find it.

Searching high and low with new blog prompts


What’s on the outlook for your blog this week? Are you zooming in on your next post? Here’s a thought-provoking piece of fine art, accompanied by a trio of keyword blog prompts:



vary (or very)



ART – View of Toledo, by El Greco, c1600


Where will such inspiration lead you? Maybe it’ll be a painting, a poem, a story, or a sketch. Journey on back to the Meme Express, and let us know!

Wait for it! Here’s a new set of blog prompts!


Sit. Stay. Be creative. Yes, blogging is harder than it looks! Here’s a fine art favorite and a set of blog prompts to put your imagination in motion.





ART – A Special Treat, by Catherine Engelhart Amyot, 1887


Do your own tricks on your blog site. Then come back and fetch our readers by leaving a linked comment, directing them to your post.