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Cultivate creativity with fresh blog prompts


What’s in your garden this season? Maybe it’s time to break new ground with brand-new blog prompts to foster imaginative ideas.






 Eggplant and Green Pepper, Charles Demuth, 1925


Feel free to follow on X. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook, which includes posts from Simply Snickers. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.

Float on in for ponderous blog prompts

 Let your imagination be your guide, carrying you to creative places, as you sail into new seasons of blogging. These keyword prompts may propel you forward.


peer or pier





Island of the Dead, Arnold Boecklin, 1883


 Feel free to follow on X. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook, which includes posts from Simply Snickers. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.

Enter the world of creativity with new blog prompts


Knock-knock! Who’s there? It’s Simply Snickers with a new trio of blog prompts, along with a lovely fine art painting to incite inspiration for bloggers.

 C’mon in. The blogging’s fine!






Doorway and Doors, A. Regli, c1940


Feel free to follow on X. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook, which includes posts from Simply Snickers. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


Glance askance with beautiful blog prompts


Zoom in on this lovely illustration. Ponder the prompt words. See what you can create, as you sketch out your own blog post.







Portrait Study, Benjamin Robert Haydon, 19th Century


Feel free to follow on X. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook, which includes posts from Simply Snickers. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


Leaning in with new blog prompts


Brainstorming for new blogging ideas? Keep these fresh prompts under your hat – at least till you create your own blog post including them. Incorporate the fine art too, if it fits.







Portrait, Hugo Scheiber, c1930


Feel free to follow on X. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook, which includes posts from Simply Snickers. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.