Poetry Prompt - through Sunday, March 28, 2010
Readers, poets and bloggers: Welcome to SIMPLY SNICKERS.
By Sir Anthony Van Dyke
circa 1633
This week, our SIMPLY SNICKERS poetry prompt includes these key words:
Use all of these words, or as many as you can, in your own original poem this week.
This week, we celebrate the birthday of Flemish painter Sir Anthony Van Dyke, who was born on March 22, 1599.
To honor this artist, SIMPLY SNICKERS offers samples of this artist’s work to accompany this week’s prompt.
Portrait of Königin Henrietta Maria
By Sir Anthony Van Dyke
Children of King Charles I
By Sir Anthony Van Dyke
Feel free to use the artwork in your own blog post, or not, as inspiration strikes you. Just be sure to come back to SIMPLY SNICKERS, and leave a comment with a link to your post, once you have published your poem on your own blog.
Please check out the other SIMPLY SNICKERS entries. What creative writer doesn’t appreciate encouraging comments?
Please check out the other SIMPLY SNICKERS entries. What creative writer doesn’t appreciate encouraging comments?
Are you on the SIMPLY SNICKERS blogroll?
If you participate regularly,
and you would like to be added,
just leave a comment below to ask!
We also invite you to visit The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts. Try today’s prompt, or pick one from the archives. See what starts your creative engine – for poetry, prose, photography or other postings.
Bonus link hint:
On Sundays,
you may leave comments
(with links to your SIMPLY SNICKERS entries)
at The Meme Express,
which issues a Sunday Invitation
to SIMPLY SNICKERS each week
and daily blogging prompts
throughout the week.
Love poetry? Click here to stop by at Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink. Click here to subscribe to an RSS feed for this writer's helpful Helium content. If you wish, click here for a free subscription to this author's online AC content, so you won't miss a single post!