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M is for Marshall

Hmm. Today is M Day for A-Z bloggers. Are we gonna make it? Maybe ...and maybe not.

Here's something to marvel about. It might even summon some brainstorming for mid-challenge blog posts or NaPoWriMo machinations.

M is for Marshall.

Portrait of Daniel Lambert 
by Benjamin Marshall 

Make your mark with a comment, linking to your own A-Z, NaPoWrimo, or other post for the day.
Bookmark this page, so you can return daily throughout the A to Z Challenge and NaPoWrimo to view fine art prompts and to leave comments with links to your own participating posts!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I've never seen that one. What an odd piece of art, haha!

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — M is for Max (the Puppy) and Mom
